Looking for an engaging speaker? – Now booking keynotes and lectures on mental health and wellbeing!


Online Programs

Are you tired of trudging through life waiting for things to change?

Do you struggle to prioritize self-care and family-time over work and professional demands?

Do you read blogs and follow social media posts about wellness, but find it difficult to translate what you read into your own work and home life?

Marie offers wellbeing programs for veterinarians and veterinary team members looking to transform their life and stop stress and burnout.

These immersive online programs include weekly emails with exercises, weekly Zoom sessions, reflection exercises, and the support of others in the form of a private Facebook group. Registrants also have the opportunity for one-on-one coaching sessions with Marie, so that she can answer your specific questions and be your personal cheerleader throughout the program. All programs have been approved for continuing education credit in jurisdictions that recognize RACE.

Marie Holowaychuk

Marie’s online programs have limited enrolment and fill up fast!

If you are interested in being one of the first to receive more information (including price promotions) when they launch, please subscribe here.


Pick a program below to build the crucial foundation to finally feeling like you are thriving at work and at home.